Fire School
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Capt. Bob's Firefighter Oral Interview Prep Package #1 Includes:
The firefighter entry-level job interview is one of the most misunderstood and least prepared for portion of the testing process. I've seen candidates with great credentials, but can't present the package at the interview. And, if you can't present the package, you don't get the job…period! Never! Ever!Are you a firefighter candidate that wants to shorten the learning curve between you and that badge?Do you want to find out what skills you may be missing?Do you feel like you have hit a wall in your orals and you don't know what to do next?Have you already figured out that you just can't wing the oral board?If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you need to get Capt. Bob's entry-level Oral Interview Program that has helped thousands of individuals to get the job of their dreams.
Capt Bob will teach you how to get bonus points by personalizing your answer. The "Nugget Principle" enables firefighter interview applicants to personalize their presentations to separate them from the "clone" candidates. No one else can tell your story. Once you start lacing answers with your personal life experiences, no matter if they aren't fire department related, is where you start creating the magic.If you don't know how to establish yourself and the other essential skills needed to score high enough, you might as well not show up. You're dead meat! The goal is to convince the firefighter oral board that you can do the job before you get it. Stories demonstrate your experience. They tell the board that you not only know the answer to an oral board question, you have already lived it.
Here's how the "It's Your Turn in the Hot Seat" program was created. During two live seminars the candidates volunteered to sit in the "hot seat" not knowing in advance what the next oral board question would be.
Everyone quickly learned what they thought was prepared and unique fell short of getting top scores, especially those candidates who volunteered to give it their best shot. You won't believe what these, I thought I was ready, candidates said! This also applied to many in the packed room who gave their .02 cents as the questions were opened up to the attendees.
You've spent time, money and put your life on hold to gain the necessary education and experience to become a firefighter. Your oral board will determine the future. It's game day. You have around 20 minutes to stun the oral board into giving you the opportunity to ride big red. Are you ready to sit in the hot seat and see what you've got?
Your investment in this oral exam prep package will actually be returned to you in your first two hours as a firefighter! When considering the cost of this preparatory package, view it as an investment in your future and the future of your family.
We have been preparing applicants since 1950; this is what our business specializes in. If you feel at this time that you are adequately prepared for your oral interview, we wish you the best of luck. If you want that extra edge over your competition that our oral interview exam prep will provide, this prep package is for you! And, remember that luck goes to the prepared!