Fire School
You will receive 350 in-depth custom-designed practice examination questions for your EB Jacobs firefighter exam testing subjects – THIS IS NOT GENERIC TESTING!
This section contains are over 175 practice examination questions! This portion will deal with situations and questions about you that are trying to identify whether or not you have the key personality traits and behaviors of a successful firefighter.
99% of all firefighter applicants have never taken an examination with these testing subjects. We have the key insight for this portion of your exam to put you in the top percentile to be hired!
This portion will be worth 60% of your final exam score and will be the key to your examination – this is where the ballgame will be won!
Bonus Materials Include:
Your investment in this exam prep package will actually be returned to you in your first two hours as a firefighter! When considering the cost of this preparatory package, view it as an investment in your future and the future of your family.We have been preparing applicants since 1950; this is what our business specializes in. If you feel at this time that you are adequately prepared for this examination, we wish you the best of luck. If you want that extra edge over your competition that our custom-designed testing materials will provide, this prep package is for you! And, remember that luck goes to the prepared!