Click on any of the book covers below for a complete product description.

To dramatically increase your chance of becoming a firefighter, we are having a special offer to help you prepare for any upcoming firefighter exam.

If you purchase any of our written exam prep products, we will include a FREE digital download of the following products:

  • Our 500-question Encyclopedia of Firefighter Examinations (normally sold HERE for $29.95) 
  • Don McNea Fire School’s How to Become a Firefighter Booklet which contains over 100 articles from the nation’s top entry-level authors.  These articles cover the written, oral, psychological, physical agility and much more – click HERE for a look at the table of contents.
  • Don McNea Fire School’s Firefighter Hiring Guide Notebook
    • Firefighter examination preparation strategies and our top-scoring test-taking and physical agility strategies.
    • Top-scoring oral interview strategies and sample questions.
    •'s fire department information sheets which allow you to keep track of phone numbers, addresses, test dates, special requirements, and other pertinent information you will need to prepare before the examination.
    • List of the top 150 major fire departments including their addresses and phone numbers so that you can keep track of the most current exam information.  

You may have extra time now - use it to put yourself in the best position to be hired when cities begin testing again.

Stay safe!

Your goal of finishing in the top percentile and getting that coveted fire department badge starts right here. Those aren’t just words – it’s our commitment to you. 

What makes our exam preps unique is that each of our written practice tests is custom-designed to the test consultant who is giving your exam; these are not generic practice tests! We specifically target the testing subjects for the test consultant that will be giving your exam.  

We continually do an immense amount of research to make sure our custom-designed exam preps are up to date.  We take pride in our customers and students continuing to finish in the top percentile on their written exam and putting themselves into position to move on to the next stage in the hiring process.

We are so confident that you will be well-prepared to score in the top percentile on your firefighter exam that all Don McNea Fire School exam prep products contain a no-risk guarantee.

If you are not completely satisfied, we will refund 100% of the product cost, no questions asked!

If you are looking for the test prep for a specific municipality, go to our Custom-designed Fire Exam Prep by Municipality.  

FDNY Exam Prep
Price: $59.95