Fire School
The estimated time to read this page is about a minute – we guarantee it will be worth your time in your pursuit of getting that coveted fire department badge!
Since 1950, Don McNea Fire School's entry-level products and seminars have helped over 60,000 fire applicants attain that ultimate edge.
The Ultimate Package provides you with the best tools for the entire entry-level examination process – the written, physical agility, psychological, and oral interview - to dramatically increase your chances of finishing in the top 5% to gain that coveted fire department badge.
To dramatically increase your chances of scoring in the top percentile on your exam and getting that coveted badge, we are including the following FREE digital download product:
Contains over 200 multiple-choice questions from every reading comprehension format used in examinations across the country. We also include our top-scoring strategies to help you increase your examination scores.
The mathematics section contains over 200 multiple-choice questions with, most importantly, a step-by-step instructional review for each question. This instructional will help you determine how the answer was obtained so you don’t make the same mistake again if you got it wrong!
Time and time again, research has shown that the top scoring applicants have a game plan. They are preparing well in advance for the written, physical agility, psychological, and oral portions of the examination as well as reviewing top scoring test-taking strategies that will give them an edge over their competition.
You want every tool available to gain your fire department badge – we want to help!
Our final comments…
Why take one more test and be disappointed in the final outcome? You need to do a self-analysis on where you are in the process and tell yourself, "I want to dramatically improve my chances on all aspects of the firefighter exam process to put me in that coveted top 5 percentile today!"
Now it's up to you - you can fall into two categories. One is the 90% of fire applicants who never prepare for an examination and are extremely disappointed in their results.Or, are you going to be in that 10% that starts preparing for the examination early and are confident, relaxed and ready to meet this very important testing challenge? That 10% represents most fire applicants that get the job - those that really want it!
Remember that luck goes to the prepared!